My name is María López González. I was born in El Distrito Federal, México. From arroz y frijoles I come. I was brought to North Carolina when I was a year and a half old. I grew up in the same 5-mile radius surrounded by farms and fields of corn. Currently, I'm a college sophomore living in Raleigh.
As far as I remember I've always been passionate and in love with helping others. I've spent endless time volunteering, registering voters, hosting food drives, tutoring students, and visiting camps of farm workers informing them of their rights as H2A workers.
I spent the last summer lobbying at the North Carolina General Assembly as an intern for Student Action with Farmworkers—I lobbied for farmworker rights. I also regularly spoke with representatives about in-state tuition equity. North CArolina charges undocumented students out-of-state prices regardless of years of residency. It's unjust and prevents students from going to college. The main thing my parents always pushed on me was my education. It became my passion, but the price tag almost forced me to drop out.
Our youth have worth, they are human, and deserve an opportunity. It breaks my heart, but that's what I'm fighting for. I don't care how much we contribute to taxes or social security. I care that we are treated humanely, and I hope to prove this to the world.
Download María’s and other Dreamer’s posters for print here.